An indulgent art course & some Megawatt updates

Something weird's happened. I've started drawing again. See evidence in the photo. It might not sound like a big deal but I haven't drawn anything in 6 years - aside from the odd doodle with my 5 year old.

Today was my first class and it felt so good to put lead to paper. It's quite a commitment - 3-hour sessions every Tuesday for the next 6 weeks and an investment of £250. BUT I came away absolutely buzzing, and back in touch with a part of myself who had felt really neglected. I don't know where this renewed passion will lead, but that's kind of the point. 

It's kind of the point in terms of why I started freelancing.
It's kind of the point in how committed I've been to getting a business up and running that's based on my value and not my time.
It's kind of the point of all that coaching I've had, which has nudged me to be truer to myself and my passions. 
It's kind of the point of breaking from employment all those years ago. 

But I've really had to earn the liberty of indulging in art classes. To smash through conditioning that I should always be "busy" doing something "productive". To convince myself that I'm in any way worthy of doing a thing that I enjoy that I was once quite good at. 

I feel like this is the call of our generation - to come home to our own true gifts and believe in ourselves. Because something in the system we were born into didn't work for us. It sidetracked us. Taught us to doubt ourselves. To be good girls and boys and not make a fuss. To stay busy. Blurgh.

No wonder so many of us feel a little lost when we reach our late thirties/early forties. Because the map we were given wasn't actually designed to benefit our souls. (Or even our health). 

As brutal as it sounds, it can feel really good to burn this old map. And redraw it yourself. The great thing is inspiration, support and tools are so readily available to us. We can study with others who have found a new way forward. Form communities. And access world-class digital resources. 

What about you? How close are you to veering off piste from the map you were given at school? 

Breathe in. Tune in. And then dip a toe in. 

And if you're not sure where to start, I have an option for you. The Megawatt Big Dreams Retreat is coming this autumn. It's for those who would like to spend 3 days away with me, stirring up new plans to evolve your career, nourish your soul's creativity and uncover new ways to monetise your talents, without burning out. Details TBC but it will be this October (not half term), somewhere beautiful in Hampshire, with limited places.

I'd love to get a sense of who wants to join me so reply to this message if you'd like to know more.

P.S. I have just a handful of spaces left on my Freelance Freedom coaching programme, which is a roadmap for those wanting to make more profit from freelancing in comms - and enjoy their life. The feedback has been amazing from those who've been through it. If you're curious, book a free consultation here


For any freelancers going through tough times right


Elizabeth Gilbert wishes all of us would stop looking for purpose and start looking for freedom